“Home idea with IKEA”: a neat and tidy room for a first-former image 1
Meet one of the youngest heroes of this season. Her name is Ida and she is a proud collector of puzzles, as well as a first-former to be. As the girl has been growing faster than her room, it needed a complete makeover, which IKEA interior designer Birutė was happy to give.
“Home idea with IKEA”: a neat and tidy room for a first-former image 1
Outgrown furniture?
Ida is soon starting a preschool, but only some of the furniture in her room is suitable for a school-age child. She does not have any desk, there is too little storage space for clothes in the wardrobe, and the cabinets are too small to fit all of her toys. Not to mention textbooks and notebooks she is going to obtain!
“Home idea with IKEA”: a neat and tidy room for a first-former image 1
Welcome to the museum of toys
Toys and puzzles on every shelf, in drawers and cabinets, on the windowsill, over the wardrobe and under the bed… Before the makeover, Ida used to display her colourful collection all over the room. Therefore, the biggest challenge for our interior designer was to find the right storage solutions to help Ida keep her room as neat and tidy as possible.
“Home idea with IKEA”: a neat and tidy room for a first-former image 1
Hiding under the bed
Since the high bed in the girl's room is quite wide, there is too little free floor space for playing. After assembling her favourite puzzles, Ida had to disassemble everything, put parts back in boxes and hide them neatly under the bed. There is no much fun when tidying up takes longer than playing...
“Home idea with IKEA”: a neat and tidy room for a first-former image 1
The old becomes new
While planning the new girl's room, Birutė tried to leave as many old pieces of furniture as possible. The wooden bed and TROFAST frame for storage boxes had a good quality, so the interior designer only had to repaint them white to match the new interior. She also suggested the parents of Ida to make a pallet on castors out of the old wardrobe doors. Now, when Ida finishes playing the puzzle, it will be more convenient to push it under the bed without having to disassemble it.

“Wooden furniture is durable, long lasting and can be easily renewed when your style or needs change.”

Birutė Beniušė, IKEA interior designer
“Home idea with IKEA”: a neat and tidy room for a first-former image 1
Ida loves yellow
Plenty of toys bring plenty of colours. This is why our interior designer decided applying a neutral palette of white, grey and birch as a background for bright yellow accents, such as picture frames, an alarm clock given the girl by her grandparents, a new table lamp, TIBAST curtains, and PUDERVIVA bed linen.
“Home idea with IKEA”: a neat and tidy room for a first-former image 1
Wardrobe metamorphosis
As Ida grows, the wardrobe formerly purchased at IKEA is already too small. Luckily, the STUVA storage system is modular and customisable: one can add more frames, drawers and shelves when needed or choose the doors in different style. This is exactly what Birutė did. The interior designer added more frames to make the wardrobe wider and chose FÖLJA birch doors to replace the old ones, as they didn't match the new interior.
“Home idea with IKEA”: a neat and tidy room for a first-former image 1
From shelves to drawers
The interior designer put some of Ida's clothes in drawers and boxes, so that the girl could reach and organize all on her own. Keeping folded clothes in boxes makes it easier to find and pick out what she wants to wear. “When each item has its own place, shelf or box, putting them back is effortless”, smiles Birutė.
“Home idea with IKEA”: a neat and tidy room for a first-former image 1
Colour coded clothing
Long dresses and other clothing that cannot be folded, can be organized by colour. A consistent colour transition will automatically create an impression of order and help find the right combination faster.
“Home idea with IKEA”: a neat and tidy room for a first-former image 1
Brand new gallery of toys
Birutė left the entire wall for the girl's favourite toys. She arranged smaller puzzles on narrow MOSSLANDA picture ledges and added a wide KALLAX shelving unit to make more space for larger puzzles. All furniture here comes in white, so even the colourful display of toys in different shapes looks neat and does not clutter the room.
“Home idea with IKEA”: a neat and tidy room for a first-former image 1
“Open storage is a no-go for small and colourful items in different shapes, as it makes the room cluttered. Better use storage boxes to hide them away. DRÖNA boxes fit perfectly in KALLAX shelves and come in many colours, which makes them easy to fit your style.”
Birutė Beniušė, IKEA interior designer

23 товаров
0 selected
TROFAST, каркас


каркас, белый, 99x44x94 см


MOSSLANDA, полка для картин MOSSLANDA, полка для картин


полка для картин, белый, 115 см


MÅLA, фломастер MÅLA, фломастер


фломастер, разные цвета

1,99/12 шт

MÅLA, набор кистей, 6 шт MÅLA, набор кистей, 6 шт


набор кистей, 6 шт


FISKBO, рама FISKBO, рама


рама, белый, 21x30 см


DRÖNA, коробка DRÖNA, коробка


коробка, бежевый/точечный, 33x38x33 см


MÅLA, акварельные краски MÅLA, акварельные краски


акварельные краски, разные цвета


FISKBO, рама FISKBO, рама


рама, белый, 10x15 см


PÅHL, письменный стол PÅHL, письменный стол


письменный стол, белый, 96x58 см


MOSSLANDA, полка для картин MOSSLANDA, полка для картин


полка для картин, белый, 55 см


FISKBO, рама FISKBO, рама


рама, белый, 13x18 см


MÅLA, мелки MÅLA, мелки


мелки, разные цвета

1,29/9 шт

DJUNGELSKOG, мягкая игрушка DJUNGELSKOG, мягкая игрушка
Цена IKEA Family


мягкая игрушка, панда

Обычная цена: 14,99


HÄNGA, плечики детские HÄNGA, плечики детские
Теперь цена ниже


плечики детские, естественный

Прежняя цена: 3,99
2,99/5 шт
KALLAX, вставка с 2 ящиками KALLAX, вставка с 2 ящиками


вставка с 2 ящиками, глянцевый белый, 33x33 см


KALLAX, стеллаж KALLAX, стеллаж


стеллаж, белый, 77x41 см


TYSNES, зеркало настольное TYSNES, зеркало настольное


зеркало настольное, 22x39 см


GURLI, чехол на подушку GURLI, чехол на подушку
Теперь цена ниже


чехол на подушку, белый, 50x50 см

Прежняя цена: 3,99
TROGEN, детский табурет-лестница TROGEN, детский табурет-лестница


детский табурет-лестница, желтый, 40x38x33 см


SOLBO, настольная лампа, светодиодная SOLBO, настольная лампа, светодиодная
Теперь цена ниже


настольная лампа, светодиодная, белый/сова, 23 см

Прежняя цена: 17,99
NYPON, кашпо NYPON, кашпо
Цена IKEA Family


кашпо, д/дома/улицы серый, 12 см

Обычная цена: 1,99


TROFAST, полка


полка, светлая беленая сосна, 30 см

15/2 шт

KALLAX, стеллаж KALLAX, стеллаж


стеллаж, белый, 147x147 см


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стеллаж, белый, 147x147 см


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