ковер, короткий ворс, классический серый, 195 см


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Номер товара 804.955.92

Плотный густой ворс ковра образует мягкую поверхность и поглощает звуки.

Прочный, устойчивый к загрязнениям и простой в уходе ковер изготовлен из синтетического волокна.

Благодаря обрезной кромке несколько ковров легко соединить в один большой — стыки не будут заметны.

Легкий блеск создает вариации цвета на поверхности.

Отличное сочетание

Идеи и вдохновение

Before and after: a cosy granny's bedroom
Before and after: a cosy granny's bedroom

The 50th anniversary episode of "Home Idea with IKEA" invites us to Kaunas. The occasion is special, no less than the heroine of this week, the golden-ager Laima who is bursting with joy and energy. Having worked as an accountant all her life, she has finally discovered her true vocation and now spends most of her time with her grandchildren. Laima is full of love for the little ones yet tends to forget showing some of it to herself. She lives in an old apartment and sleeps on the couch in the room that used to belong to her already adult daughters. Together with the interior designer Laura, we came to furnish a bedroom that she has fairly deserved.

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